Oral Surgery Facial Surgery Jaw Surgery
Prof. Dr. Celal Çandırlı Jaw Facial Aesthetic Surgery
Educated in Dentistry from Selcuk University in Turkey. Dr. Celal Çandırlı Has trained at Selcuk University oral and maxillofacial surgery department and took his specialism. He took his postdoc. education in NHS Poole Hospital and NHS Newcastle freeman hospital in United Kingdom.
Is There a Different Question?
Oral, facial, and jaw surgery is a medical specialty that deals with the surgical treatment of diseases and disorders in the mouth, teeth, face, and jaw region. This includes procedures such as tooth extraction, jaw fractures, facial aesthetics, and soft tissue surgery.
Consultation with an oral, facial, and jaw surgery specialist is recommended in cases such as tooth loss, jaw fractures, facial injuries, oral lesions, gum diseases, and temporomandibular joint disorders.
Oral, facial, and jaw surgery procedures are generally performed under local or general anesthesia. The surgery is carried out according to a predetermined plan between the patient and the surgeon. A healing process usually follows the surgery.
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders are present in approximately 25% of the population. While most patients can be treated without surgery with known conventional approaches, in cases where these conventional approaches fail, open joint surgery is indicated.